Herodotus (485 BC - 415 BC). Ancient Greek historian, father of history, and geographer.
Socrates (470 BC - 399 BC) Athenian Greek philosopher and one of the major figures of Greek and world culture. |
Plato (427 BC - 347 BC) was a Greek philosopher from Athens, the most famous student of Socrates and teacher of Aristotelis.
Photo : Head of Plato ,
Sculpture museum in Munich |
Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC) Greek philosopher. Together with his teacher Platon is an important form of philosophical thinking of the ancient world, while untill today still is considered to be object of studies for the modern world.
Plato (left) and Aristotle (right). The gesture of Aristotle to the earth represents his understanding on the acquisition of knowledge through empirical observation and the senses. In contrast to Platon points towards the sky, in which ideas are based according to his believes. |
Thucydides (460 BC - 397 BC) was an known worldwide
ancient Greek historian. |
Hippocrates (460 BC - 360 BC) was the famous Greek physician, who first systematically classified medical science. |
Pythagoras (580 BC - 495 BC) was an important Greek philosopher, mathematician, geometer and music theorist.
Archimedes (287 BC - 212 BC) was one of the greatest mathematicians, physicists and engineers of antiquity.
Photo : Statue of Archimedes in a park of Berlin.
Euclides (325 BC - 265 BC) was a Greek mathematician
and father of geometry. |
The Parthenon, a temple dedicated to goddess Athena,
is one of 7 ancient miracles of the world and symbol of ancient greek civilization. |
Entrance of Acropolis of Athens |